Attach your own domain name for fanpages in fchat

Attach the domain name for fanpage in fchat to change the domain name in the URLs from to your domain name.

The domain name is used for Webform, Order Link, Lucky Spin, Landing Page and is use in general for all fanpages in the shop. Fchat will automatically assign a secure SSL to your domain name.

For example, put the domain name into your shop.

When creating a Landing Page on fchat, the link of the landing page will be changed from to ( >> your domain name). ).

The domain is also replaced with your domain name when you share the lucky spin on the wall.

To attach your own domain name for fanpages, at the Dashboard screen, click on Shop Settings > select Domain name > enter domain name >> click Edit to complete.


Once activated, webforms, order links, lucky spins, landing pages will automatically be updated according to the domain name you just attached.

Note: Currently the Custom Domain feature is only available for the ENTERPRISE plan

Wishing you success!
